A beautiful village - but not designed for cars!

Brill is a beautiful village, but it was not designed for cars. There is limited parking and a few inconsiderate people cause problems for others, at the Windmill Street – High Street junction in particular.

The Parish Council is looking at how to improve the situation. The first step is encouraging more people to use the car park behind the Memorial Hall. The car park is not obvious to visitors, so we are improving the signs, testing them one-by-one to make sure that they do not impact users of the Memorial Hall badly. The plan is to install a sign on the lamppost opposite the hall so there are directions to the car park from Thame Road – this should happen early next year. We are also applying to replace the temporary traffic cones outside the Memorial Hall with bollards.

There is no easy solution to the Windmill Street – High Street junction, a popular place for pulling in as it is near both the village shops. If everyone followed the Highway Code, it would not be a problem as the junction would be kept clear, but sadly that does not happen and there is a risk of accidents as cars block the view along the High Street.

Options include painting double-yellow lines on the road or adding bollards, but neither option is straightforward; we must comply with highways regulations and there must be formal consultations. The Parish Council is in discussion with Buckinghamshire Council to find a solution but it is a lengthy process and it will take many months. In the meantime, please don’t park at the Windmill Street – High Street junction.

Cllr Steven Judge

Village traffic concerns: No quick fix

The first thing the Parish Council needs is evidence - and this is partially why we’ve chosen to take part in an initiative co-funded by the Haddenham & Waddesden Community Board. If this initiative is successful, we should have two SIDs up and running before the end of the year. As well as reminding motorists to stay within the speed limit, they will log the speed of vehicles entering the village so we can build up a database of evidence to use to support future bids for funding for additional traffic calming measures.

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Parking on Sun Corner. Is it possible...?

Dare we say it? Has parking around Sun Corner got significantly better since we conducted our traffic management poll in January? Is it possible that simply pointing out a problem - making public so many passionate opinions, sharing stories of pedestrian near-misses and emergency vehicle delays - has changed behaviour, at least for a while? Or is this just wistful thinking - or a post-pandemic holiday exodus?

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Speeding. The solution is in our hands

Did you know that 99% of all speeding cars in villages like Brill are driven by LOCAL PEOPLE?! Commuters rushing to catch trains, parents dropping off children, residents driving familiar roads to work, shops, cinema, gym, friends. Running late, tired, distracted, dreaming, carefree, careless, angry, on auto-pilot; who knows? But, hand on heart, has this never been YOU?

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