
Brill Parish & Neighbours

Access OS maps

This map is a screenshot from Ordnance Survey Election Maps. To see more detail:

  1. Click on this link to access OS maps

  2. Click on Boundary (in the left-hand menu), and select Civil Parishes or Communities.

  3. Type Brill into the search box then select Brill, Buckingham - and voilà!

Working clockwise from due north, our neighbouring parishes are:
Wotton Underwood
Piddington in Cherwell District of Oxfordshire

All our neighbours are in Buckinghamshire except Piddington. Links are for the parish council websites - except for Wotton Underwood, Dorton, and Boarstall who have “parish meetings” rather than a full parish council. (Their links open an email to the relevant clerk.)

Brill Village

Open PDF file

Brill in numbers

The total population of Brill CP is 1,213 (all ages). The image below is a screenshot from Local Insight, a community mapping and reporting tool that gives instant access to neighbourhood level data. For an explanation of the data presented and many more social and economic statistics, visit the live site.