Brill Common & Village Green Advisory Group Meeting Report
June 19th 2023

Alex Cruickshank (Chair, BBOWT), Emi Slater (PC) + Guest Andy Fisher (The Brill Society) , Liz Springs (PC) , Dave Munson (Common Volunteers) + Guest Jon Vaile (The Walks), Jon Cable (The Walks), Pat Stone (BVCH), Roger Stone ( Friends of Brill Common). 

Tim Patrick

Feedback from groups

Common Volunteers
Dave Munson. Amenity mowing round windmill and car park discussed. Also helped with Walks clearing this week. Some communication confusion about when nettles should be mown.  Most of upper Walks done, some left. Flail not best for the clearing as cuts it but leaves it on the ground which enriches the soil; not good for wildflowers. Next attempt at clearing will be at the beginning of July. Jon Vaile is to do it on a regular basis having taken over from Colin Buggey. All agreed needs to be cut and removed. Mowing, strimming, and tractor. 

Pat Stone. Cows moving next week to South Hills. Noticeable increase in orchids. Confirmed they will be fenced off for safe keeping. 

Friends of Brill Common
Roger Stone. Tractor flail brambles etc. NE corner, bottom of Tram Hill and outside Commoners 

The Walks

Jon Vaile. Purchased CB tractor to continue to maintain The Walks. JV was unsure of when he was supposed to do it, plus he had several busy weeks etc. 

Action: Dave M offered Common Volunteers to support JV with clearing and tidying of the Windmill.


Andy Fisher. Two sails currently down for renovation. Grade 2 star listed building which includes the curtilage. Curtilage includes the walk to the mill from where the car park is now as it was the access to the mill. Concerned about getting on well with all groups and concerned regarding clearing nettles etc, for access. Wants the grass kept short for fire safety purposes due to it being timber building. Crack noticed last year on roundhouse. Doors and timbers planed to fit, after 2 weeks the doors have moved. Concerned that this is signs of subsidence. The roundhouse is not structural however the legs of the mill are on the same floor. Concerned about creating a full scale plan. DM confirmed that 15 years ago, 10 tons of soil were added to the area to help with support. Plan now to monitor the legs to see if there is any movement in them. 

Action: Common Vols (DM) offered to mow and strim under benches and stairs of Mill.

Action: Andy and Dave to confer on ideas to help combat subsidence.
Possible suggestions of dragon’s teeth fencing, encouraging growth or planning further scrub to bind soil and discourage walkers.

The Walks
Managements plans for nettles. Jon Cable agreed to feedback to Walks Committee that we need a proper schedule/works plan from them in order to integrate it into overall Common Management plan. 

Action: JC agreed to ask Elaine Dickinson to organise one. 

Action: Agreed to give time for group to digest document when it arrives and Emi will circulate it when she receives it from Elaine. 

Cattle; grass has grown very well so cows haven’t been moved yet so they can tackle the extra growth so it doesn’t cause an issue in the winter. Ragwort still in bud so not really showing yet- hopefully won’t be a problem this year. Agreed to keep an eye on the ragwort. If it does become a problem, then proactive approach to be taken again this year.

Goats Goat grazing plan needs to be added to the management plan.

Observed that yellow rattle is appearing on the common around the windmill and that’s attributed to the cows. Gives other flowers a chance to grow rather than being choked out by grass. Evidence of positive impact from cows.

Action: Alex to liaise with Tim regarding goat plan.

Winter work plan

Action: Alex confirmed the winter work plan will be updated by September to give better notice to all. 

Action: All groups to feedback on last year’s plan to Alex ahead of this. 

Agreed to assess sycamore situation as poisonous to grazing.

Beating the Bounds and Encroachment
BtB a very successful event. List has been compiled and PC will be discussing it to agree which encroachments to grant, which to pursue.  PC confirmed encroachment policy is robust and will be pursued to the letter of the law if needed.

Concerns on parking on Common raised to PC. Suggestion of parking stickers to put on cars. 

Action: Emi to suggest at PC meeting

Span Green
PC still waiting on 3 quotes for drainage of Span Green.

Action: Emi to chase Bobs on this.
Bucks RoW have confirmed they will be adding no horse-riding signs to the paths and that paths will be cleared later this year.

Scrub Clearance 
Suggestion for group to apply for section 137 for funding or match funding for scrub clearance. Inconclusive. Need to create of proper dump for arisings in future. 

Village Greens Management
Questioned reasons behind allowing bee-friendly areas to grow on the Green and what is the plan for them. Advised that they will be mowed and cleared at the end of the season, not left wild. 

Liz advised that she had been in contact with BORG and Tiggywinkles about supporting our owl population and about becoming a potential release site for rehabilitated owls. Group asked if they object in principle to being an owl release site provided that BORG and Tiggywinkles support the project. All agreed.

Emi thanked all for coming and their continued support and work.

Date of next meeting agreed as September 18th 2023.