ON TUESDAY november 21st aT 7.45PM


(draft until approved at next meeting)

Present: Cllr Springs (Chair), Cllr Slater and Cllr Judge. Cllr Rand of Buckinghamshire Council and one member of the public were in attendance.

The following updates and questions were presented by Cllr Rand of Bucks Council:

Roads and Traffic 
Cllr Rand explained that last year there were only five teams carrying out road repairs, now there are twelve teams. This followed a period when repairs had been delayed while a new contractor was employed by Bucks Council. As a result, there has been an increase in road closures, and there have also been more closures by utility companies, particularly Thames Water. The Council has employed a team to monitor the diversions and to collect any signs not removed once the diversion has ended. If the traffic lights are not removed within four hours of completion, the company can face a fine. Thirty-five fines have been issued in the last month issued to utility companies.

Cllr Rand also explained why Oxfordshire Council is introducing 20 mph speed limits in many towns and villages, but Buckinghamshire is not providing funding. The policy in Buckinghamshire is that there must be physical speed restrictions such as speed humps or chicanes in addition to new signage. This is because the police will only enforce a 20mph limit if such barriers are in place, but it adds very significantly to the cost. 

Q. Has there been any discussion within Bucks Council about aid for Palestinian refugees
A. Cllr Rand said that no discussions have taken place as far as he was aware.

023/077 To receive apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr Tuffley

023/078 To receive any declarations of interest.
Cllr Slater declared a Standing Interest regarding Brill with Ukraine

023/079 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2023.
Cllr Slater proposed the Minutes be approved as a true record of the meeting, seconded by Cllr Judge and unanimously approved

023/080 Planning applications
Applications for review - none

023/081 Communications Database

To review the recent communications 
The Communications database was reviewed by the Council with the majority of correspondence relating to items on the Agenda.

Procedure for sending communication from the Parish Council
The Parish Council agreed that once a response to a query has been drafted, the Clerk will send the response after a period of five days if no further comments are received from Cllrs. The aim is to ensure a faster response to all enquiries to the council. 

023/082 King George V Field update
The Clerk updated the Council on the meeting held between Neil Shaw, Cllr Tuffley and the Clerk regarding the Pitchpower report for the football field. It was confirmed that Brill Sports & Social Club would be willing to contribute to the running cost. Cllr Tuffley to present fully once further queries have been answered by the FA.

Request for fireworks display on KGV field
The council resolved to refuse the request for permission to hold a private fireworks display for the following reasons:

  • The event is not a nationally-recognised event for the use of fireworks (as opposed to Bonfire Night & New Years Eve)

  • There are significant Health and Safety implications for users of the field and neighbouring properties.

  • The noise would affect neighbouring properties and animals

  • An area of the playing field would have to be cordoned off for safety reasons, restricting access for other members of the community 

Trees for junior play area
Cllr Springs to chase a quote for the trees in the junior play area

MUGA storage shed
The Parish Council approved for a padlock to be purchased for the storage shed adjacent to the MUGA

023/083 Community Energy Clinic
Following the recent increases in the cost of heating our homes, Cllr Judge proposed that the Parish Council organises a workshop about alternatives to expensive oil or bottled-gas heating systems. The clinic would include presentations from independent experts and an opportunity for local companies to set up exhibition stands. The cost would be about £300 to cover the cost of hiring the Memorial Hall and expenses for speakers, some of which would be recovered by charging a small fee to exhibitors. 

Cllr Slater seconded the proposal and it was unanimously approved. It was agreed to hold the event on a weekend in February 2024. Cllr Slater also proposed informing the oil buying club and the school about the initiative.

023/084 Trees

Overhanging branches, Windmill Street
A resident is concerned about branches from a tree on the Walks overhanging their property, with the risk of damage or injury if a branch should fall during high winds. The Clerk updated that the resident will obtain a quote for removing the overhanging branches, share this with the Council so that it can be confirmed that there will be minimum damage to the tree, along with the date for the work to be carried out. The cost of the work will be covered by the resident.

023/085 The Common & Village Green : To receive an update on the Common projects
The Parish Council congratulated BVCH on being awarded the Kings Award for volunteers.

023/086 Road & Traffic : To receive an update on the current projects in the Parish

Installing bollards outside the Memorial Hall
The Memorial Hall Committee have confirmed their agreement depending on the type of bollard, though this will be decided by Bucks Council. Cllr Judge to confirm with Elaine Hassell to proceed with the project.

Sun Corner
No update to report

Corner of Brae Hill
No update to report other than to confirm that the land in question is owned by Fairhive and a request to stop parking on this parcel of land will need to be through them.

Potholes on North Hills
Residents on North Hills have requested financial support for repairs to the track across the Common. No agreement was reached and it was decided to defer the item to the December 2023 meeting to allow time for further reflection.

023/087 Section 137 Request

To review the Section 137 request received from Brill Memorial Hall
The Council deferred the decision on the request until the December 2023 meeting

023/088 Income & Expenditure

November 2023 Payments

Murphy’s Wreaths – Purple Wreath for animals sacrificed in both World Wars : £25.00
E Slater – BWU English Lessons : £480.00
P Tawn – BWU English Lessons : £420.00
BT - Utlities : £82.57
Owlsworth – Windmill Repairs : £8,135.17
Truvelo – MVAS Installation : £480.00
Aspire Grass Cutting – Sept /Oct 23 : £1,056.00
Drax - Utilities : £163.44
H Hunter – Website Domain : £14.99
R Damerell – Clerk Salary : £1,780.01
HMRC - PAYE : £24.24


Interest : £10.88
Heart of Bucks – BWU Grant : £1,200.00