minutes of the meeting of Brill Parish Council

on Tuesday July 19th 2022 at 7.45pm

in Brill Memorial Hall

 Present: Cllr Tuffley (Chair), Cllr Hulme Hunter (Minutes in Clerk’s absence), Cllr Slater, Cllr Springs (from 8pm), Cllr Judge, Cllr Keeping and 3 members of the public*

022/025 To receive apologies for absence. 

No apologises (except from the Clerk)

022/026 To receive any declarations of interest.

No declarations of interest

022/028 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on June 21st 2022

The minutes of the meeting were agreed and signed as a true record of the meeting. It was noted that an extraordinary meeting was held on July 7th 2022 to sign the auditor’s report since this had not been ready for the full council meeting. The Annual Governance Statement, Accounting Statements and Annual Internal Audit Report 2021/22 are on the website but the full accounts have not yet been uploaded due to technical difficulties. This will soon be rectified.

022/029 Planning applications

Little Granary House 33 The Square Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RP
Listed building application for Refurbishment of existing building, internal re-configuring layout, demolition of rear glass lean to and replace with new extension, replace windows to rear elevation, PV installation and construction of new garden room studio. Deadline for comments: 19 July 2022 Decision: No objections

Little Granary House 33 The Square Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RP
Householder application for Refurbishment of existing building, internal re-configuring layout, demolition of rear glass lean to and replace with new extension, replace windows to rear elevation, PV installation and construction of new garden room studio. Deadline for comments:19 July 2022 Decision: No objections

ACTION Clerk to notify this decision in the usual way, please

022/044 Lease for the Scout Hut

To approve the new Lease for the Scout Hut. 

Due to time constraints, an extraordinary meeting was held on July 4th to review and sign the lease. No changes were made to the terms.

022/045 Request from Brill Scouts to stage annual firework display on the playing fields in November 2022 

To Review and resolve the request.

We support this event and give our permission for Scouts to use the playing fields for this purpose - but we would very much like them to consider using so-called “quiet fireworks”, if financially feasible.

ACTION Clerk to communicate this decision and suggestion to the Scouts.

022/046 The Common

Proposal to:

  1. To take on recommendations made in BBOWT report and start actioning them.

  2. To continue collaboration with Alex Cruickshank BBOWT regarding Common Management and agree further costs for ongoing advisory work and attendance at Common Management meetings.

  3. Apply for grant to Heart of Bucks to get colour map/Production of a bold and colourful map of Brill Common, highlighting wildlife and other features that may be seen by residents, visitors, public rights of way and informal tracks. This will include about 10 illustrations of relevant species and landmarks, such as the windmill, Bee Orchid, Marbled White butterfly, Common Lizard, Ragged Robin etc. Illustrations will be produced as digital vector graphics and will be provided as SVG, PNG or PDF format, as required.

Cllr Slater told us that BBOWT consultation period with the councillors is now closed, although Alex Cruickshank (AC) is happy to continue to answer councillors’ questions. However, his initial financial agreement with the PC has now come to an end. Do we want to extend this? 

Cllr Slater has been told by volunteers involved that the proposed management committee needs a third party involved in order to be workable. Cllr Judge felt there should be very clear and measurable terms of reference for his continued involvement and for the role of the management committee. Cllr Slater reminded us that a fundamental element of the report is that the PC will be ultimately responsible and decision maker if there is a divergence of opinion. 

Cost of on-going support from AC would be £385 for one day a month. The proposal was that we engage AC for 12 months and then review both the management process and his involvement. 

Cllr Springs pointed out the value of having external and impartial expert input; of professionalising our management the common.

Cllr Keeping asked what AC’s role would be outside the four committee meetings a year. Cllr Slater said this could be assistance with grant applications, supervision of work, further exploration of the common.. It was suggested that we put a cap of 12 days’ work for the first 12 months.

Cllr Slater reminded us that AC’s role is as much about people as wildlife. Cllr Judge suggested we ask AC to prepare ToR for both his role and the management committee.

Cllr Tuffley seconded Cllr Slater’s two proposals. All councillors present agreed.

ACTION Cllr Slater will talk with AC regarding ToRs and his continued involvement.

Cllr Springs wondered if the common could be used as training ground for trainees wardens or similar. Cllr Slater felt that another meeting with AC in early Autumn would he helpful.

The third proposal concerns developing a detailed pictorial map of the common. This would be produced by AC for £1200. Grants are available and Cllr Slater is confident we would be successful. Heart of Bucks is one possible source of funding.

Cllr Springs reminded us of an earlier suggestion to provide a tactile and accessible information board for the common. Could there be one of these, too? The H&W Community Board may be a source of funding for this sort of project.

ACTION Cllr Slater to get three quotes for a pictorial map of Brill, and to explore additional tactile interpretation 

022/047 The Walks

A formal thank you to be made to Tim Patrick for all the work he has done recently on The Walks and to Tony Bostrum for the signs he has made and welcome Elaine Dickinson as the new Chair of the Walks Committee. Also a formal thank you to Mollie and Colin Buggey for all their work on the walks over the years.

Cllr Slater reiterated the above expressions of gratitude to Mollie and Colin Buggey and the others mentioned.

ACTION No further action required

022/048 Dropbox

To review the Dropbox storage trial and Resolve which option to adopt. 

Cllr Judge and the Clerk have set up a trial version of a Dropbox business account and have circulated two methods of accessing files. He will send out further tasks to enable us to fully access the system. If all goes well, Cllr Judge proposes we sign up for a full version. He will then negotiate a non-profit making discount.

Cllr Judge proposed that if all goes well with the trial we adopt Dropbox without further discussion. Seconded by Cllr Hulme Hunter and agreed by all.

ACTION Cllr Judge to work with the Clerk to expedite this project.

Cllr Keeping suggested we hold training session in the use of Dropbox to ensure we use this facility to its full advantage. To plan at a later date.

Cllr Hulme Hunter reminded us of our ambition to scan and file old paper-only files. Because Dropbox enables word searching even in PDFs, this could be done in bulk. To discuss at a later meeting. 

Cllr Judge suggested we review out broadband subscription in view of Gigaclear’s arrival in the village

ACTION Clerk to review costs of current broadband and compare with Gigaclear 

022/048 Communications Database, including related items on Roads and Traffic, and Jubilee Trees

(1) Cllr Judge asked for permission to order two MVASs through the Community Board at a cost of £3295 for two. Seconded by Cllr Springs and agreed by all. 

Cllr Judge said the plan is to have three poles so we can move the two MVASs. Cllr Springs wondered if four would be appropriate to enable us to monitor all four access roads. Cllr Judge will investigate associated costs.

(2) Cllr Judge reported that the county-wide EV charging point project is focusing on larger carparks in bigger towns - so there are no plans for Brill at this time.

(3) Cllr Judge reported on another item raised in a recent CB meeting; a proposal that a supplier of e-bikes come to Brill to explain and promote their use. Cllr Slater suggested this idea be discussed with Brill Climate Action Group since they are planning an Autumn event promoting climate-related resources and services.

(4) Cllr Judge told us that the Local Area Technician (Highways) is coming to Brill on July 21st to discuss parking signs for the Memorial Hall car park, the school warning sign on Temple Street, parking on Sun Corner and parking in general, dropped kerbs, possible replacement of village sign after shotgun damage, and any other matters that arise. He also reminded us the road damage down Brae Hill Close has been reported to the Claims department for action.

ACTION Cllr Judge to take forward all these projects. The other councillors expressed their gratitude for him taking on this complex and demanding area of work.

Another action arising from the Communications database was Jubilee Trees. Cllr Slater circulated a map showing the proposed sites of the trees prepared by Jayne Gibson-Harris. Exact species could not be charted because we do not know how many trees will be supplied but will include hawthorn, cherry, dogwood, silver birch, hazel, and rowan.

Cllr Slater told us of another request to plant four black poplar trees on the boundary between The Walks and the common. This is a rare tree, almost unique to Aylesbury Vale. The councillors agreed that this would be a welcome addition.

Cllr Slater told us that the area for the black poplars was close to the area now used by Brill School’s Forest School. The School - and other groups - can no longer use Chinkwell Woods following a Forestry Commission decision. Cllr Hulme Hunter suggested that the PC express their concern about this decision; generations of Brill children have enjoyed the woods.

ACTION Cllr Tuffley to talk with Brill School about the possibility of a representation on this matter to the Forestry Commission

Cllr Hulme Hunter said she was not happy with the siting of the trees along the path in the middle of the playing fields, since these would eventually disrupt the view from the Sports & Social Club. Cllr Keeping expressed concerns about the proposed trees on the west side of football field in front of houses on Temple Street and Godfrey’s Close. He asked if these residents had been consulted.

Cllr Tuffley proposed that we support the planting scheme in general with these two reservations. Cllr Keeping seconded. Everyone agreed. 

ACTION Cllr Tuffley to communicate this decision to Jayne Gibson-Harris.

Cllr Springs suggested that the Brae Hill (in particular, at the junction with Brae Hill Close) could be considered as a possible location for some of the trees if there are “surplus” trees. Cllr Hulme Hunter said that consultation with residents was still paramount.  

Cllr Keeping proposed that the tree planting map is made public, on the website and in the PC office. Cllr Hulme Hunter seconded. Everyone agreed that the map could be displayed for a period of four weeks. 

ACTION Cllr Hulme Hunter to organise.

Cllr Hulme Hunter presented a redacted section of the June/JulyCommunications Database for information and discussion and/or decisions.

There were no concerns or questions

Cllr Springs read an email from the Memorial Hall Committee asking the PC to consider making a grant as we have done in previous years, a suggested figure being £2,500. Cllr Hulme Hunter reminded councillors of the need for groups requesting money to complete the Section 137 Grant Application Form, regardless of longevity of arrangement.

ACTION Cllr Springs to ask the Memorial Hall Committee to compete the 137 Form https://www.brillparishcouncil.co.uk/grant-application

Cllr Keeping reported serious fly-tipping in the area of the common used by the Forest School (abutting The Walks; sometimes called Badgers’ Dingle); including rusty barrels and a mattress.

ACTION Clerk to ask the people who removed fly-tipping from windmill carpark to quote to remove these items (Cllr Keeping to guide the Clerk to the spot)

Cllr Hulme Hunter pointed out that the PC still owes The Brill Society £2000. The Society completed the 137 Form and we paid their 2021 grant earlier in the year and should now pay their 2022 grant, as agreed. We should also consider making a contribution to Brill Sailers, the Windmill Repair Fund.

ACTION Cllr Hulme Hunter to discuss payment with the Clerk

022/050 Receipts and Payments

July Payments

Aspire – Grass Cutting £528.00
R Damerell £535.60
HMRC £126.40
J Tuffley – Table Tennis Equipment £22.99
J Tuffley – APM refreshment £15.50
Bridget Knight – Internal Audit £90.00
BT £57.76
Bucks Council – Bin collection £27.40
Rob Timms - Bins £100.00

June Receipts

Interest £12.24
FCC Grant £44,363.55
Play Area £20.00 

All payments proposed by Cllr Tuffley, seconded by Cllr Slater and agreed by all present. Cheques were duly signed by Cllr Hulme Hunter and Cllr Keeping

ACTION Clerk to make payments as agreed

Comments from the public at the start of the meeting

Disappointment over Bruene Abbey School’s decision not to use Brill’s playing fields which could have been advantageous for both parties. Cllr Tuffley pointed out that it was Bruene Abbey that decided to use Ashendon’s facilities instead of those of Brill.

Disappointment over apparent rejection of mobile coffee van’s request to park on the common. Unfortunately, the minutes are misleading on this point. Cllr Hulme Hunter explained the situation to date and said we are sorry the minutes do not give a clear account of this fluid situation.

Question about common registration; are we applying for “registration of caution” or “first registration”? Cllr Slater replied that the PC’s specialist solicitor is still investigating this matter on our behalf. Mr Turner has some information about the previous PC’s work on this which he will share with Cllr Slater.