December 21, 2021


Present: Cllr Dickinson (Chair), Cllr Hulme Hunter, Cllr Slater, Cllr Springs, Cllr Tuffley and Cllr Rand.

021/199 There was an apology for absence from Cllr Keeping.

021/200 There were no declarations of interest.

021/201 The minutes of the previous meetings of 16 November 2021 were approved. Proposed by Cllr Hulme Hunter and seconded by Cllr Tuffley. Unanimous.

021/202 The resignation of the Clerk was formally noted. The process is in place to find a replacement.

021/203 Planning applications

21/03790/APP - BRILL
22 Brae Hill Brill HP18 9TF
Householder application for proposed two storey side/rear extension.
No objections.

21/04518/APP - BRILL
Little Granary House 33 The Square Brill HP18 9RP
Householder application for refurbishment of the existing building, internal re-configuring layout, demolition of glass lean-to rear and replacement with new extension, PV installation and construction of new garden room studio.
Objection on the grounds of privacy to a ground floor window overlooking the neighbour’s patio area.
Proposed by Cllr Hulme Hunter and seconded by Cllr Dickinson. Passed with 1 abstention.

021/204 Finance

Cllr Dickinson proposed a rise in the precept for 2022/23 in line with inflation at 3.8% (the figure at November 2021) or the same as the Bucks Council Tax increase, whichever is lower. The Council has no explicit projects but this will maintain the precept at its current level in real terms.
Seconded by Cllr Hulme Hunter and passed unanimously.

021/205 Queen's Platinum Jubilee. 

Cllr Hulme Hunter reported that a Facebook poll had resulted in roughly 9 out of 10 being in favour of marking the Jubilee is some way. Cllr Springs proposed that she organise a village meeting in January (in an appropriate forum in line with any Covid restrictions) to ascertain whether Brill would like to celebrate the Jubilee and if so how. 
Seconded by Cllr Tuffley and passed with 1 abstention.

021/206 Receipts and Payments

Approval was proposed by Cllr Tuffley and seconded by Cllr Springs. Passed with 1 abstention.

November Payments

Aspire {grass-cutting} 528.00

Rob Timms {bin emptying and sweeping leaves by surgery) 115.00

BT 54.85

N Power {street lighting} 73.61

Buckinghamshire Council {waste} 36.90

Buckinghamshire Council (dog waste bins) 899.04

Clerk salary 650.00

Squarespace website fees and PC banner 176.04

Tracmaster (Commander mower service) 601.44

Briants (Hedge trimmer repair) 106.17

BVCH (Quarterly payment) 600.00

Date of next meeting: 18 January 2022 at 7.45 in Brill Memorial Hall.