ON Tuesday December 20th AT 7.45PM


Present: Cllr Tuffley (Chair), Cllr Hulme Hunter, Cllr Springs, Cllr Judge, Cllr Slater and 3 members of the public.

022/099 To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllr Keeping

022/100 To receive any declarations of interest.

Cllr Slater declared an interest in the Brill Society
Cllr Hulme Hunter declared an interest in the Brill Society as acting secretary

022/101 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2022.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true record of meeting.

022/102 Planning applications

Planning Ref 22/03919/CPL 

Address Temple Manor House The Lawns Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9SN

Proposal Certificate of lawfulness for proposed garage conversion

Comments Deadline n/a

Parish Council Decision n/a

022/103 Standing Orders

Cllr Tuffley updated that the updates are in hand and will be complete by the January meeting

Action: Cllr Tuffley

022/104 Renewable Energy Group

It was agreed to carry this forward to a future meeting

022/105 The Brill Society and Brill Windmill

(1) Update on AGM, new committee and future

The Chair invited the new Chair of the Brill Society, Andy Fisher, to update the Council on progress: 

  • A new team has been formed, currently with six members but looking to attract new members.

  • A structural survey is being carried out on the windmill roundhouse. One major concern is the large crack in the brick wall. Significant movement has been detected in the brick wall, so investigation into the footings is also being looked into

  • The intention is to produce an annual maintenance plan for minor work and a six yearly plan as well for the more significant work

  • The Society is aiming to be more engaged with the village

Mr Fisher was asked which companies had been approached concerning the survey; he replies that three companies had been involved in the previous restoration. Two have decided to work together and the third is yet to come back and confirm but may well want to work with the other two. Mr Fisher explained that there are very few companies with the skills needed.

(2) Review and decision regarding quote(s) for structural survey of windmill

The quote is £2,350 for the structural survey. Cllr Tuffley proposed to pay the quote for the structural survey, seconded by Cllr Judge and unanimously agreed.

(3) Confirmation of PC public liability and windmill

The Clerk to check that the accidents by / on the windmill would be covered by the Council’s Liability insurance 

(4) Review and decision regarding increase in BPC annual contribution to windmill expenses

It was agreed to wait for the Brill Society to confirm how much they would look to ask for before agreeing a level of contribution from the Council.

022/106 Roads & Traffic

The Speed Indicator Devices have been delivered to Waddesdon. Cllr Judge will collect these on the 3 January. Volunteers have come forward to help with running the speed monitoring programme.

The temporary parking sign to the Memorial Hall car park  had been removed by persons unknown; a new temporary sign had been put in place.

There will be a long delay (several months) in installing bollards outside the Memorial Hall, due to a change in the contractor used by Buckinghamshire Council. 

There had been strong support for the Council to address the issue of inconsiderate parking at the Windmill Street / Temple Street junction, with about 100 expressions of support for the proposal via Facebook and at the village market. The proposal will therefore be submitted to the Parking Team at Buckinghamshire Council for their consideration (local support is a requirement before the proposal could be reviewed), to recommend the best approach. It was suggested to liaise with the Fire Service about the impact on emergency services vehicles and to take into account the risk of moving the problem to the Windmill Street / Brae Hill junction.

The design for the village sign to replace the sign damaged by shotgun pellets was discussed. It was agreed that the sign should have a black font on white background, including the phrases ‘Welcome to’ and ‘Please drive carefully’. The Brill Society will be consulted on the design, in particular the inclusion of an icon of the windmill. Depending on the cost, the Council may replace all the village signs with the same design.

022/107 BOR and Common and Encroachment Update

Encroachment Policy update:

A meeting was held on the 13 December 2022, to discuss potential Encroachment concerns. Cllr Springs drafted the Encroachment Policy. Following discussions tweaks to the policy were proposed and Cllr Springs to bring the Policy to be adopted at the next meeting.

BOR Project (Bernwode, Ottmoor, Ray Project)

CVGAM – Fully attended and all groups had walked around the Common with BBOWT separately in this case. Cllr Slater updated the group about the Bernwode Otmoor Ray Project to bring landowners together from this particular area. This was hosted at The Pointer which was productive.

Alison Offord (Co-ordinator of BOR project) is now leading the project. She will be applying for a large lottery grant to support farmers. She has also agreed to come and have an open meeting with residents should this be wanted.

It is not currently clear what funding will be available, whether this is a continuation of the HLSA or a different funding scheme.

022/108 Hazardous Tree Survey

Cllr Slater proposed carrying out the Condition Survey of Trees in the Parish to be carried out by Whole Tree Company at an approximate cost of £2,500 - £3,000 . This was seconded by Cllr Springs and unanimously agreed

022/109 Budget

The Clerk updated that the draft budget has been sent to the Finance sub-committee minus Cllr Keeping. This will then be circulated and then need to be discussed and agreed at the January meeting

022/110 Communications Database

Cllr Hulme Hunter shared the database and updated the Council.

Cllr Hulme Hunter and the clerk updated the Council following a meeting with Thames Water. Thames Water have confirmed that a generator has been installed in the pump station which should continue the water provision for the village without interruption. The Clerk and Cllr Hulme Hunter were also in communication with Thames Water about potential bottled water sites for any future longer term disruption like the recent leaks

The Council agreed to charge £5.00/year to Simon Marsh for the use of the field on Tuesday afternoons for an after school club, with a view for the potential of offering one or two places to disadvantaged children at a lower / no cost.

022/111 Receipts and Payments

December Payments

Rob Timms – Bins / Postcrete/ leaf clearing £128.00

Bobs Damerell – Clerk Salary £856.60

HMRC - PAYE £210.07

Owlsworth – Windmill Repairs £23,986.10

Briants – Fencing materials £1,319.07

Oxford Oak Tree Surgey – Hectors Lane £540.00

Future Nature WTC - Common £1,316.82

December Receipts

Interest £6.19

A short confidential session followed the conclusion of the public meeting.