Brill Parish Council Health & Safety Policy

1. Introduction

Brill Parish Council recognises and accepts its responsibilities as an employer for providing a safe and healthy working environment for its employee (the Clerk), Councillors, contractors, voluntary helpers, and others who may be affected by the activities of the Council. 

The Council will meet its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and will provide, as far as it is reasonably practicable, the resources necessary to fulfil this commitment. 

The Council will seek, as and when appropriate, expert technical advice on Health and Safety to assist the Clerk in fulfilling the Council’s responsibilities for ensuring safe working conditions.

2. Brill Parish Council will, as far as reasonably practicable, provide:

A safe place of work and a safe working environment for Clerk and Councillors. This includes the Parish Council Office (the Old Library), the main hall of Brill Memorial Hall, and Councillors’ and Clerk’s homes should they choose to work there.

Regular risk assessments of working activities, including: 

  • Handling of heavy books and files, office equipment and office furniture (including outdoor noticeboards)

  • Use of electronic equipment and screens

  • Musculoskeletal wellbeing and eye care during desk work

  • Special requirements to accommodate physical conditions or disabilities

  • Need for regular breaks, daylight, fresh air, and contact with others

3. Brill Parish Council will, as far as reasonably practicable:

Ensure that all contractors employed by the Parish Council work to the same standards of Health and Safety which the Council sets for itself.

Ensure that members of the public are not put at risk by activities under the direct control of the Parish Council.

Ensure that members of the public visiting the Clerk in the Parish Council Office, attending Parish Council Meetings or otherwise assisting with Council business do so in conditions of safety and comfort.

Ensure, as far as possible, that Councillors and Clerk conduct walk-abouts safely and that, when driving to fulfil Council business, they do so safely and legally. 

Ensure the personal safety of Councillors and Clerk when interfacing with the public, especially when doing so alone or out-of-hours.

4. Responsibilities

The Clerk will have over-all responsibility for Health and Safety, including record keeping. They will be supported in this role as follows:

  • Time and money to attend formal training according to need.

  • Prompt support from Councillors, individually and collectively, to listen to concerns, assist with risk assessments, and take all necessary actions.


  • Policy written by Hannah Hulme Hunter February 2022

  • Adopted as Brill Parish Council policy February 2022

  • For Review February 2023 (although as a working document it may be refined earlier to meet changing legal or practical requirements)