Policy on the flying of unmanned aerial vehicles (“Drones”)
to, from, or over Parish Council Land


UAVs must not be flown to, from, or over Parish Council property for recreational or commercial purposes without permission.


This policy applies to all Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) including drones, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems and radio-controlled aircraft up to the weight of 25kg flown under the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Open Category. (Use of larger UAVs requires CAA approval.) 

It does not cover small drones or model aircraft up to 250g in weight sold as toys or designed for children, nor the use of UAVs by the emergency services in the management of an emergency situation.

Brill Parish Council property includes

  • Brill Common

  • The Walks

  • The Green

  • The Square

  • George V Playing Fields

Here is a map showing these areas.


UAV operators and fliers are required to register with the CAA and fulfil various other legal requirements including passing a theory test.  

Details of the legal requirements are on the CAA website.

The CAA theory test assesses knowledge and understanding of The Drone and Model Aircraft Code. The Code includes safety, privacy, flyer and operator IDs, and physical limitations on flights. The Code forbids the flying of UAVs within 150m of people, crowds, buildings, and recreational areas. Examples of recreational areas include tourist attractions, beaches and parks. The Code also stipulates against flying where animals or wildlife may be disturbed or endangered. This means that UAV operators who fly to, from, or over Brill Parish Council property will be breaking The Drone and Model Aircraft Code. This policy is therefore an explicit reminder to UAV operators of their CAA obligations in the context of Brill Parish.

The Drone and Model Aircraft Code is on the CAA website.

Our Rationale (beyond the legal requirements of The Drone and Model Aircraft Code) 

Brill Common and other open spaces within Brill Village are all in close proximity to residential and commercial properties. This includes the village itself and outlying houses and farms. There is therefore an unavoidable risk of disturbance, annoyance, and invasion of privacy to residents, and disturbance of domestic and farm animals.

Brill Common welcomes thousands of visitors throughout the year, including families and groups such as wedding parties and sports, youth and religious gatherings. The Common is grazed by a small herd of cattle and ball games and kite flying are popular pastimes. Away from the windmill, a defining characteristic of Brill Common is its tranquility, freedom to walk undisturbed, and rich habitat for wildlife. There is therefore, across Brill Common, a significant risk of annoyance and injury, and disturbance to people, animals and birds. 


Brill Parish Council will consider applications for permission to operate a UAV to, from or over its property in the following situations:

  • Where use of a UVA would reduce workplace risk or facilitate operations in building or survey work or similar

  • Where use of a UVA would enable the delivery of professional services related to photography or other media for a private or commercial event

  • Other circumstances considered on individual merit

To request permission please email Brill Parish Council and supply the following information:

  • Purpose of the flight, including use to which any images gathered would be put

  • Dates, times and durations of the proposed flight(s)

  • Take-off and landing points, anticipated view range

  • Evidence of CAA registration

  • A copy of the operator or flyer’s public liability insurance

  • Risk assessment for the proposed flights, including evidence of knowledge of specific and local risks


A summary of this policy will be displayed on the Brill Parish Council noticeboard adjacent to the windmill car park and the full policy will be displayed on the Brill Parish Council website.

UAV flyers breaching this policy should, ideally, be informed immediately and in person. They should be politely asked to stop and referred to this policy. They should also be reminded that they are breaking the CAA Code as referenced above. NOTE Neither councillors nor parishioners should feel obliged to approach a UVA flyer unless they feel entirely safe and comfortable to do so. 

Serious concerns about UAV operation should be reported to the Police online or by calling 101. The CAA has a signed Memorandum of Understanding to the effect that the Police will take the lead in dealing with unmanned aircraft misuse incidents, that may contravene aviation safety legislation or other relevant criminal legislation.

If permission is granted for the specific use of UAV over parish council land, full details will be displayed in advance on the Brill Parish Council website and Facebook page.

Author: Cllr Hannah Hulme Hunter

Agreed and adopted by Brill Parish Council: October 19 2021

For review: Autumn 2024