ON TUESDAY December 19th aT 7.45PM


Present: Cllr Springs (Chair), Cllr Slater, Cllr Tuffley and Cllr Judge. Cllr Rand of Buckinghamshire Council and seven members of the public were in attendance.

The following updates and questions were presented by members of the Public:

Parking / traffic on the Firs

A resident addressed the Parish Council regarding a recent incident where a child was nearly struck by a car outside the school gates. The Clerk has been in contact with the school recently and the school has continued to reiterate its parking promise to parents, requesting parents to park at agreed locations in the village and not along the Firs or down by the school gates or garages.

Cllr Judge said that Buckinghamshire Council has recognised that traffic problems outside schools are a general issue in the county. A campaign is being launched to all schools. The Parish Council agreed to keep in close contact with the school, including considering options to help enforce guidance (see minutes below).


Three residents from Touchbridge addressed the Parish Council for assistance in restricting Heavy Goods Vehicles over 7.5 tonnes from using the Touchbridge road, excluding agricultural and service vehicles. This is a safety issue, and the residents believe the structure of the road is thin and is currently being continually damaged by oversized vehicles.

Cllr Judge explained that this issue had been raised with the Buckinghamshire Transport Strategy Officer in February 2023. The officer reported that many of the HGVs are from the Sirens training centre; Buckinghamshire Council staff had already approached the owner but it was not possible to find a compromise (the owner correctly stated there was no restriction on HGVs along the road). However, Cllr Rand explained that a meeting had been held by Buckinghamshire Council on 18th December 2023 during which it was confirmed that a consultation on the use of HGVs on local roads was to be held early in 2024.  There will be two consultation days in January, in Ashendon, and will then be a consultation for a twelve-week period. The Westcott Venture Park will be exempt from the consultation. Residents can learn more about the consultation by following this link: 


It was also confirmed that Touchbridge has been scheduled for resurfacing in the near future.

The following updates and questions were presented to Cllr Rand of Bucks Council:

Trees on Thame Road

Q. Is there any update on the ownership of the Trees on Thame road?
A. Yes, I have spoken with Alison Poland, the LAT to ask a tree surgeon to come out to assess the trees on Thame Road on the verge. The majority in the opinion of the LAT are within the boundary of the Land Owner. There are some trees which will need further investigation to ascertain ownership.

Bucks Council action on refugees from the war in Gaza

Q. Cllr Springs asked if there had been any shift in Bucks Council planning for refugees from the fallout of the war in Gaza. 
A. Cllr Rand confirmed that he had no knowledge of any plan for this to be introduced by Bucks Council.

023/089 To receive apologies for absence.
No apologies were received

023/090 To receive any declarations of interest.
Cllr Slater declared a Standing Interest regarding Brill with Ukraine

023/091 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2023.
Cllr Slater proposed the Minutes be approved as a true record of the meeting, seconded by Cllr Judge and unanimously approved

023/092 Planning applications
Applications for review

Planning Ref 23/03735/APP
11A Brae Hill Close Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9TE
Householder application for two storey side extension with carport and rear extension to ground floor bedrooms creating balcony above
PC Comments
Brill Parish Council has No Objection to this planning application. However the Parish Council requests the comments below are taken into consideration during the determination of this application:

  • A public footpath between Nos 10A and 11A (to the south of 11A) is not marked on plan S900/00.  This right of way must be added to the plan and must not be obstructed for the public during the works. 

  • Brae Hill Close is narrow with an area used for parking by local residents by nos 10, 10A and 15 Brae Hill Close on the corner, and other residents also have to park on the Close. Parking and access for local residents must not be blocked by vehicles or building materials

  • Any damage to the road due to the works must be repaired at the expense of the developer

  • Brae Hill Close is a very quiet residential area and the work will be disruptive to residents. The developer must strictly adhere to conditions on working hours if planning permission is granted.

  • The Planning Officer should also take into account planning application ref 18/02508/APP and the decision dated 13/9/2018. The Parish Council notes that permission was refused for the construction of a garage at no 15 Brae Hill Close, opposite 11A, as the planning officer considered that it was inappropriate for the area.

023/093 Communications Database

To review the recent communications 

Development on South Hills – A resident contacted the Parish Council regarding development to a neighbouring property and what the Parish Council could do to ensure that the development does not cause any damage.  The Council confirmed it is out of its jurisdiction (the Parish Council is consulted on proposed developments but currently has no enforcement powers) but recommended the residents should seek a party wall agreement which can be drawn up by a solicitor.

Action: The Clerk to send a letter to the residents recommending a Party Wall Agreement

It was noted that the same issue may also apply to the Parish Council as The Common which also neighbours the development. The Parish Council will engage a solicitor and take legal advice.

The Council received a letter from a member of the public who had been injured in an encounter with dogs out of control on the playing field. The Council confirmed it was not able to take action against the owners on the playing field but that the member of the public could contact the dog warden at Bucks Council.

Action: The Clerk to contact the member of the public

The Council received a communication from a resident regarding the mud on the Walks and the state of the area between the Fire Station and BT – The Council understood the residents’ concerns over the mud but as it is a rural location paths are maintained to a level suitable for outside footwear such as Wellington boots or walking boots. 

In regards to the are between BT and the Fire Station the Council confirmed this area is outside of its jurisdiction and that the resident will need to contact both bodies directly.

Action: The Clerk to contact the residents with the Council’s decisions

Procedure for sending communication from the Parish Council

023/082 King George V Field update

To receive an update on the King George V Field
Cllr Tuffley outlined that under the Pitch Power Agreement Brill Parish Council would pay a contribution of £200 / year to improve the pitch from a ‘basic’ standard to ‘good’.

  • The benefits of the Agreement would improve the drainage attract more teams and bring up to a better standard.

  • Cllr Tuffley proposed agreeing to contribute to the pitch upgrade under the condition that the BSSC takes ownership of the mower.

  • The Council would also require in writing the commitment from other parties to contribute the funding for the full term of the agreement

  • The Council resolved to delay the decision until the January meeting.

Trees in the Play Area
Cllr Springs provided the quote for the new trees for planting in junior Play Area and proposed the Council accept it. Cllr Slater seconded and the it was unanimously approved

`023/095 2024/25 Draft Budget / Precept Request

The expenditure in 2023/24 had been reviewed in detail by Cllr Tuffley, Cllr Judge and the Parish Clerk, taking both ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ approaches. Expenditure for the year 2023/24  was predicted to exceed the precept, repairs to the Windmill being a major item. Most of this (unexpected) cost had been covered by a higher than normal VAT refund. Maintenance of the windmill was not expected to be as high in 2024/25.

Village organisations (the Brill Society, the BVCAG, the Memorial Hall Committee, and the Brill Herd) had been contacted on their likely requests for funding from the precept.

The conclusion from the review was that the precept was broadly in line with the funds needed to maintain village amenities but should be increased to cover increased costs due to inflation.

To review and approve the 2024/25 Draft Budget
Cllr Tuffley, seconded by Cllr Judge proposed adopting the draft Budget for 2024/25, and unanimously approved. 

To review and approve the 2024/25 Precept Request
Cllr Tuffley proposed adopting the 2024/25 Precept request increase to match the increase by Bucks Council, however if this information is not available before the submission deadline the Council approved a precept increase request of 5% in line with current inflation figures. This was seconded by Cllr Judge and unanimously approved.

023/096 Dropbox
To review the Parish Council Dropbox Membership : Due to time constraints this item was moved to the January meeting

023/097 Parish Council Meeting Frequency
Cllr Tuffley to propose a trial change in Parish Council Meeting Frequency for 2024/25 : Due to time constraints this item was moved to the January meeting

023/098 The Common 
To receive an update on the Common projects and the BVCAG December meeting.

  • Cllr Slater extended her thanks to all who attended the BVCAG meeting. Representatives from all groups came. The Winter plan that has been agreed is being carried out and going according to plan.

  • Thanks to BVCH, Common Volunteers, Friends of Brill Common for all the work that has been carried out over the winter.

  • Oxford Oak Tree Surgery is preparing a quote for the ‘medium risk’ trees outlined in the Tree survey. 

  • Improvements of Span Green are ongoing, though any work to be carried out would need to be done in later summer / early autumn when the weather is drier. The clerk is to meet the landowner of the adjacent field to discuss options going forward.

Action: The Clerk to speak with the neighbouring landowner and feedback to the Council

023/099 Road & Traffic
To receive an update on the current projects in the Parish

Bollards outside Brill Memorial Hall
Cllr Judge confirmed that Buckinghamshire Council had been contacted to arrange installation of the bollards, but there had been some confusion as Buckinghamshire Council had the wrong dimensions for the width of the pavement.  This was now resolved, and the Local Area Technician will visit the site on 25th January to check the exact location. 

Potholes on North Hills
Residents from North Hills had requested that the Parish Council funded the materials needed to repair potholes on the track on the Common to their properties. The cost would be about £2-3000. Cllr Judge said that he could not support funding the cost of the materials for the following main reasons: 

      1. The cost was high and was a large percentage of the precept, for work that impacted only a few residents

      2. There are many tracks across the Common and residents are expected to maintain them. It would set an expensive precedent for future Parish Councils

      3. The issue is similar to unadopted roads in urban settings, where town councils have a strict policy that residents are responsible for repairs

Cllr Springs pointed out that the large cost is due to a lack of maintenance over a decade, and the annual cost to residents is very modest.

  • Cllr Tuffley proposed making a nominal donation to contribute towards to the repair of the track on the Common. The purposes of the contribution were:
    To emphasise that ownership remains with the Parish Council as it is on common land

  • To encourage other residents to gain prior agreement from the Parish Council before repairing tracks to their properties

  • To set conditions on the repairs – Type 1 hardcore and grass to be allowed to grow in the centre of the track.
    In this case the proposed contribution would be £250. Cllr Judge said that this figure should apply to this request only and would not set a precedent for the future.  Cllr Slater seconded and the proposal was approved by three votes in favour and one objection from Cllr Springs.

Parking on the Common
Cllr Slater proposed a trial period of creating laminated signs for Cllrs to place on windscreens of cars parked illegally on the Common or near the school, informing them it was illegal to do so and to include the Parish Council email address for further information. This was seconded by Cllr Tuffley and unanimously approved.

Parking near the School & on the Firs
Following the concern raised by the resident it was agreed to speak to the school regarding actions taken by the Parish Council they would support including the introduction of volunteer wardens to stop traffic coming to the school gates or the adjacent garages

Action: The Clerk to liaise with the school

023/100 Section 137 Request

To review the Section 137 request received from Brill Memorial Hall
The Council unanimously approved the Section 137 request from Brill Memorial Hall.

023/101 Income & Expenditure

December 2023 Payments

Bucks Council - Bins £43.50
Rob Timms – Bins / MUGA floodlight storage £165.00
Hannah Hunter - November website and newsletter £200.00
P Tawn – Brill With Ukraine teaching £490.00
N Misselbrook – War Memorial planting £126.00
Oxford Tree Services – Common Tree removal £650.00
Aspire – Grass Cutting £528.00
BT - Utilities £82.57
Sanders Electrical – MUGA floodlight charging £480.00
Svitlana Pimkina – Refreshment re-imbursement £45.00
Seagrave Nurseries – Junior Play Area Trees £549.36
R Damerell – Clerk Salary £1,443.01
Brill Memorial Hall – Section 137 Grant £2,500.00
Hannah Hunter - December website and newsletter £200.00
HMRC – PAYE £212.96
Jennifer Tuffley – BWU expenses £143.29
Drax – Street Lights £158.15


Interest £24.11
Interest £24.93
Community Board payment for life saving equipment £458.82
Brill Sports Social Club (Bench re-imbursement) £1,022.50